
15 Rules of Losing Weight and Keeping It off ...

By Katie

With summer on the way, I'm making a serious commitment to losing weight! However, I don't want to go through my day listless and exhausted from starving myself, and I just don't have time to exercise for hours and hours every night. So, I went searching for the healthiest ways to lose weight that'll help me lose weight and keep it off for good. And here are my top fifteen favorite tips!

Table of contents:

  1. Exercise ...
  2. Take a Good Multivitamin ...
  3. Do the Dairy ...
  4. Be Mindful of What You Eat ...
  5. Small, Frequent Meals ...
  6. Eat Breakfast ...
  7. Eat More Fiber ...
  8. Work the Muscles ...
  9. Drink More Water ...
  10. Skip Processed Foods ...
  11. Star with a Soup ...
  12. Cut Saturated Fats ...
  13. Cut out Alcohol ...
  14. Keep a Food Diary ...
  15. Make a Friend ...

1 Exercise ...

If I've learned one thing from my years and years of pursuing the ideal weight, I've learned that I can't do it without exercising. Do I want to break a sweat every night after a hard day's work? Absolutely not! But, the truth is that I can't cut my calories low enough to burn fat without it. Plus, exercise makes me feel stronger, leaner, and more relaxed, so I squeeze it into my busy schedule. See which exercises are the most effective in 10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight …

2 Take a Good Multivitamin ...

When I cut calories, I always worry that I'm cutting vital vitamins and minerals, too. However, I can't find a way to get in all those servings that are recommended without blowing my calorie goals. So, I'm trying to take a well-balanced multivitamin every day to make sure my body isn't lacking anything.

3 Do the Dairy ...

We've all heard the slogan "Milk does a body good," right? Well, when it comes to losing weight the right way, I believe it. Dairy products are so good for me - with a family history of osteoporosis, it is so important to keep consuming calcium and Vitamin D. So, I make sure to get in all my servings of dairy each day to keep my bones strong while I'm dieting - I just make it skim milk!

4 Be Mindful of What You Eat ...

I have such a hard time reading labels in the grocery store, but I know it is so important. If I read the label and learn about the portion size, calorie count, and amount of fat in what I'm eating, it makes me much more likely to eat healthily. And eating healthy is a big part of losing weight!

5 Small, Frequent Meals ...

I've found that eating a few small meals several times makes me feel less hungry throughout the day. When I say small, I don't mean a small cheeseburger and a small fry ... what works for me is about 200-350 calories per meal, five times per day. By eating this way, I keep hunger pangs and cravings from sabotaging my meal plan.

6 Eat Breakfast ...

It is so hard for me to find time to eat in the mornings before work when I'm rushing around to get ready and get out the door. But, I know that eating even a little something will ramp up my metabolism and keep me from getting that mid-morning craving for vending machine goodies. So, I try to make time for a healthy little breakfast every morning before work to lose weight the right way. Check out for fantastic 15 Healthy Breakfast Ideas …

7 Eat More Fiber ...

One bad part of dieting for me is the eating less part ... sometimes, I don't feel full. One thing that I've noticed that really feels me up is eating fiber-rich foods. Eating things like whole grains, lots of veggies, and legumes keep me feeling full longer!

More Great Posts on Weight Loss:

23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …
12 Best Ways to Lose Weight …
10 Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know …

8 Work the Muscles ...

The more muscle weight I've got, the more calories I burn ... even while resting! That's what I want to do - burn more calories while I sleep or lay around on the couch! So, I've started adding three days a week of weight training to my workout routine. I just bought two different sets of little hand weights at my local store, and I just lift them while watching television at night. Easy!

9 Drink More Water ...

Boy, this is a hard one for me. I just don't like water! I really prefer some sugary tea or calorie-laden soda, but water is really what I should be drinking. Water is zero calories, fills me up, and is really good for my body. Plus, water keeps the skin from being as wrinkly! So, I know there's a lot of benefits to drinking more water, and it is a key for me in losing weight healthily.

10 Skip Processed Foods ...

It is so easy for me to buy (and eat) processed foods. At night, when I'm tired and hungry, the last thing I want to do is spend hours in the kitchen preparing a gourmet meal. But, I know that the more fresh food I eat, the better. I've found my favorite processed foods to be loaded in sugar and salt! So, I'm skipping the pre-made meals and boxed snacks in favor of fresh foods like fruit, veggies, and white meat.

11 Star with a Soup ...

Have you ever noticed that people living in countries that are traditionally thin almost always start their meal with a soup? I read a great article about this in a magazine, and it totally makes sense. I love soups, like miso soup, that are really just water ... great flavor, but low in calories! What a great way to fill up your belly without wasting a lot of calories! So, I'm starting dinner with a low cal soup.

12 Cut Saturated Fats ...

We all know that fats are bad for us, but I've learned that saturated fats are the absolute worst. Losing weight the healthy way doesn't mean cutting out all fats to me - I need some fat in my diet to keep my heart and brain healthy. But, I know that saturated fats just clog my arteries and slow me down, and - not to mention - keep me chubby! So, I'm cutting those fats out.

13 Cut out Alcohol ...

Oh, this tip makes me sad, but I know it is true. How I love a little mixed drink with dinner or relaxing on my deck with an icy cold beer! But, I know I shouldn't drink my calories ... these drinks don't feel me up, have no real nutritional value, and just add calories to my daily intake. So, while I'm on the weight loss train, I'm leaving all my alcoholic drinks in the cooler.

14 Keep a Food Diary ...

I really didn't think this tip would work for me, but my mom had a lot of success with food journaling, so I thought I'd try it. It kind of surprised me how well it worked! I felt terrible when I had to record things like "two donuts" or "one chocolate candy bar" in my food journal ... it really made me pay attention to how I'm eating! Plus, it makes it really easy to total my calories at the end of the day. Check out 12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal … for the ideas.

15 Make a Friend ...

When I work out with a friend, or even just stay accountable to a friend about my diet and workout routines, it makes it so much easier to stay on track. Maybe it is because I know I'll be ashamed to say I didn't work out or eat right that day, but something makes me stick to the plan if I've got to report to someone. So, I want to enlist a friend to help keep me accountable!

That's it - those are my fifteen favorite ideas for losing weight the healthy way and keeping it off. If I lose the weight the right way, I know I won't have to worry about it coming right back as soon as I start eating again. Do you have healthy eating ideas? If so, post them in the comments section below!
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Tips on Exercise:

10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight …
10 Ways to Burn More Calories during the Day …
3-Step Approach to Best Weight Loss Workouts …
